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The "Right2Water" (or "Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!", in full) campaign, the first successful European citizens' initiative (ECI), aimed to make access to clean water and sanitation a universal human right across Europe. Supported by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), the campaign addressed concerns over water privatisation and called for water services to remain public. It collected over 1.8 million signatures, boosted by a feature on a popular German TV show that raised public awareness. "Right2Water" urged the European Commission to protect water as a public good and inspired future ECIs, showing how public engagement can drive EU policy.

Read the success story to learn more about the strategies and achievements of the “Right2Water” ECI.

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Right2Water(“Tiesības uz ūdeni”): Kāda ietekme ir TV raidījumam vislabākajā raidlaikā