Veiksmes stāsti
Uzziniet, kādas ir sekmīgo Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīvas (EPI) organizatoru atziņas, un uzziniet, kā būtu ieteicams rīkoties un no kādām kļūdām vajadzētu izvairīties, organizējot savu EPI. Zemāk varat iepazīties ar organizatoru stāstiem
Zemāk varat iepazīties ar interesantajām bloga publikācijām un uzzināt vairāk par EPI kā līdzdalības demokrātijas instrumentu.
Iepazīstieties ar organizatoriem
Meet and greet with organisers of the ECI’s Fur Free Europe and High-Speed RailMeet and greet with organisers of the ECI’s Fur Free Europe and High-Speed Rail Meet and Greet with Claudia TaccaniMeet and Greet with Claudia Taccani Meet and Greet with the organisers of the European citizens’ initiatives (ECI) 'Creation of a European Environmental Authority' and 'Ban Conversion Practices in the EU'Meet and Greet with the organisers of the European citizens’ initiatives (ECI) 'Creation of a European Environmental Authority' and 'Ban Conversion Practices in the EU' Meet and Greet with Initiative Organisers - 2022Meet and Greet with Initiative Organisers - 2022 Meet-and-greet with European Citizens’ Initiative OrganisersMeet-and-greet with European Citizens’ Initiative Organisers