Stejjer ta’ suċċess
Esplora l-għarfien minn organizzaturi ta’ suċċess tal-Inizjattiva taċ-Ċittadini Ewropej (IĊE) u tgħallem x’għandek tagħmel biex tniedi l-IĊE tiegħek stess. Ibbrawżja l-Istejjer ta’ Suċċess tagħhom hawn taħt
Esplora l-blogs interessanti hawn taħt u tgħallem aktar dwar l-IĊE bħala għodda tad-demokrazija parteċipattiva.
Iltaqa’ mal-Organizzaturi
Meet and greet with organisers of the ECI’s Fur Free Europe and High-Speed RailMeet and greet with organisers of the ECI’s Fur Free Europe and High-Speed Rail Meet and Greet with Claudia TaccaniMeet and Greet with Claudia Taccani Meet and Greet with the organisers of the European citizens’ initiatives (ECI) 'Creation of a European Environmental Authority' and 'Ban Conversion Practices in the EU'Meet and Greet with the organisers of the European citizens’ initiatives (ECI) 'Creation of a European Environmental Authority' and 'Ban Conversion Practices in the EU' Meet and Greet with Initiative Organisers - 2022Meet and Greet with Initiative Organisers - 2022 Meet-and-greet with European Citizens’ Initiative OrganisersMeet-and-greet with European Citizens’ Initiative Organisers