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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

EU-wide Pandemic Policy for a Vaccine Information Pack Required

Author: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Updated on: 20/09/2021 |
Number of views: 456

I have observed many problems and differences between EU member countries regarding their pandemic strategies and pandemic measures.

In EU member country Cyprus, EU citizens are not given informed consent with full comprehension in line with medical ethics, nor are they told to report all adverse effects to the yellow card reporting tool, nor are they informed about the COVAX compensation scheme. This violates medical ethics; medical rights and proves the Cyprus medical board is highly incompetent.

I suggest the creation of an EU-wide Pandemic Policy where each EU citizen is offered a pandemic vaccine information pack to read before they make their vaccination appointment that includes:

- An explanation of Conditional Marketing Authorisation.

- A clear explanation that the vaccine is still in its clinical trials.

- A clear explanation that the animal studies exploratory stage that lasts 2-4 years, and the pre-clinical stage which lasts 1-2 years have been omitted. [1]

- A clear explanation mRNA and DNA technologies are understudied in vaccines, if the vaccine contains these technologies. [2]

- All the up-to-date vaccine leaflets in the language the EU citizen understands, so they can decide which clinical trial vaccine they prefer or is better suited to their health issues.

- If EU citizens cannot understand the leaflet, it should be read out by a nurse or medic to them.

Instructions on how to access and fill in the yellow card reporting tool and for how many weeks, months or years they should report their adverse effects for.

- An EU approved doctor for people who cannot access online tools can fill in the yellow card reporting tool for them in person in each town. I suggest this because EU citizens have told me their doctors told them that their adverse effects were a coincidence and did not offer or inform them to fill in the mandatory yellow card reporting tool for adverse effects after vaccination.

- Which vaccines are eligible for the for the COVAX compensation scheme.

- The COVAX compensation scheme details and time-sensitive window for application.

- Any clinical trial studies they wish to be entered for in their EU country of residence.

- Any alternative re-purposed drug treatments should be listed and offered as a choice in a clinical trial setting with their doctor or a clinical trial study in their EU member country. As it is a human right to have access to an effective remedy. [3]


1. Vaccine Development, Testing, and Regulation

2. ‘A Completely New Platform, Never Studied or Used Before’

3. Guide on Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Right to an effective remedy


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