This topic has been troubling me for some time now:
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Our European citizens’ initiative “Call to achieve a tobacco-free environment and the first European tobacco-free generation by 2023”
I like to create a discussion and solution finding point in relation to the
I'm not sure how this issue looks in other contries, but in Poland every year there are reports in media about deaths of small children left in car
"Europeans for Safe Connections" is a coalition of national and international organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the m
In the future, central, digital management bodies will provide perspectives to enable, for example, a basic income and/or a healthcare system witho
European Parliament should take in consideration that some countries miss infrastructure of recycle.
EU member country Cyprus has a government with a proven high corruption risk.
In EU member country Cyprus only two invasive medical choices are being offered as a choice for children to access education:
I have observed many problems and differences between EU member countries regarding their pandemic strategies and pandemic measures.
The pandemic is more than a year old and multiple re-purposed drug treatments have been discovered that are not being given Conditional Marketing A
CMA must be updated to allow alternative non-invasive diagnostic tests.
The citizens’ initiative which put an end to basing EU pesticide approval on secret industry studies
EU citizens are being inundated with videos of teachers chasing children with vaccines and if they catch them their mask can come off, TV shows fav
The US Senate wants to investigate China for the Wuhan Lab gain-of-function virus lab leak and for pulling strings with the World health Organisati
With obesity and diabetes being the new normal, social responsibility is required regarding the disclosure sugar/fructose content of foods in an ea
Drugs with a chance of very serious health affects like Stevens Johnson Syndrome are given approval.
As more sensitivities and intolerances arise, unique nutrients or chemical alternative information is required by EU citizens to adjust their diet
There is a big problem in the EU with ingredients labels. The test is microscopic and unreadable.