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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Three EU policies to prevent abuse of power for personal financial gain by EU member country politicians during pandemic

Author: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Updated on: 20/09/2021 |
Number of views: 817

EU member country Cyprus has a government with a proven high corruption risk. For example: selling passports to Russians and criminals for personal financial gain.

In 2021, when pandemic measures are easing in most EU countries, the Cyprus government continue to increase draconian measures, insisting on Rapid tests every 72, or every 48 hours for EU citizens to access a doctor, to shop for food, to access school. Basically everywhere except the beach and the pharmacy.

This behaviour of the government stinks of corruption when compared to other countries that are easing the measures.

They use misinform by stating the statistics as if we are in a horrific pandemic. For example, they state 100 people tested positive, but 100 people are only 0.008% of the population of Cyprus.  Then they use these deceitful statistics as an excuse to impose rapid tests.

If 1 million Rapid tests are sold in one day, then that is 5 million in revenue every 2-3 days. That is 10-15 million a week. The distributor gets the mammoth share, and the labs and pharmacies divvy up the rest of the profits. Is Cyprus in a horrific pandemic, or are statistics presented in such a way to be used as an excuse for our taxpayer money being looted by corrupt politician investors?

I suggest three EU policies:

1. No politicians, friends, or family members of politicians must be allowed to:

- Import, distribute, profit, invest in any pandemic products, from tests, shares, masks, disinfectants, gloves etc .Any offences found must be punishable by jail.

2. An official EU statistics-to-measures tier chart where measures must be proportional to statistics EU-wide.

- So that corrupt governments cannot abuse and destroy EU citizens for their personal gain or incompetent decisions.

- So when EU citizens travel the measures are the same everywhere you go. EU citizens in Cyprus and EU citizens visiting Cyprus feel abused and violated. EU citizens in Cyprus feel that their tax-payer fund is being looted whereas in EU member country Netherlands there are no measures, no masks, no <safe passes>> to access almost everything. This feels like discrimination, no equality and being at the mercy of corrupt politicians ruining the economy, endangering health, forcing low-income members to pay for the rapid tests.

- This will prevent corrupt Cyprus government members who profit from pandemic products from creating decrees for wide-spread frequent diagnostic tests so they can personally profits from them when the statistics do not warrant it.

3. Diagnostic pandemic tests must be offered free to all EU citizens EU-wide.

- This will protect low-income families from being forced to vaccinate from financial pressure not from free choice.

- This will stop children from being forced to vaccinate because non-invasive diagnostic tests cannot be sold, whilst invasive rapid tests are free.

- This will prevent corrupt Cyprus government members who profit from pandemic products from bribing pharmacies and labs with a cut of diagnostic test sales profits so they can sell and distribute as many rapid tests for their own gain.





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