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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

EU Policy: Do not buy pandemic products from a country that is under suspicion or investigation for causing a pandemic

Author: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Updated on: 09/07/2021 |
Number of views: 930

The US Senate wants to investigate China for the Wuhan Lab gain-of-function virus lab leak and for pulling strings with the World health Organisation to cover-up the outbreak, access to full details and lack of investigation in the very beginning. It is neither wise nor prudent to buy any products from China if they are a chief suspect or under investigation.

Their rapid tests state that they cannot be used to diagnose the virus, yet EU countries use them to diagnose infections and increase numbers without valid medical DNA confirmation. What if this is a marketing strategy to make continued sales and massive profits on China’s part? Including the masks and disinfectant from china etc.

Most importantly, how can we trust inserting a cotton bud into our nose with a rapid test from a country that is suspected of, or under investigation for causing this pandemic?

It is unwise to trust this country until the investigation has been completed. Purchasing pandemic products from China must be stopped immediately in the name of security and health. An EU policy must be created to forbid the purchase, circulation and use of products from a country that is under suspicion or investigation for causing a pandemic.



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Forum Team | 09/07/2021

Dear Julia,

Thank you very much for your contribution and for your active participation on the Forum.

Regarding the concerns that you raised, we believe that it is important to highlight that the tests used in the EU fall are certified and standardised tests. Please find more information here.

We are curious to hear what other people think! Could this translate into a European Citizens’ Initiative?

Kind regards;

Your European Citizens’ Initiative Forum Team

Inactive user | 13/09/2021

how much it will take to complete investigation anybody knows? 

kindly let me know at:

Inactive user | 30/10/2021

However, this would always require products to be obtained in other countries as well. But not without reason, many products come from China and other Asian countries. They produce cheaper, labour, human and environmental rights do not play a major role.

Julia Hadjikyriacou | 31/10/2021

I emailed the European Medicines Agency [EMA] and they told me that they are NOT involved in the authorisation or supervision of diagnostic tests, including rapid tests, and has therefore not granted any type of authorisation to rapid tests. These tests are authorised and regulated at national level.

Considering the Rapid tests in my EU country Cyprus are from China and Chinas standards are low, and the corrupt members of the Cyprus Government sells passports for bribes and even the president used his law firm to hide rich people's money in Tax Havens, it is easy to see how dangerous risky products can get through from a pandemic security risk and low health standards country like China and be approved where I live.

The rapid tests are not even being used as per the Chinese manufacturer’s instructions that clearly state they are not for diagnostic purposes and they need to be prescribed by a Doctor with the onset of actual symptoms. This corrupt Government forces them onto EU citizens with no symptoms, when the infection statistics are under 1% and forces people to pay for them all to access food and doctors. If this doesn't stink of a bribe or personal investment plus a huge security risk I don't know what else does.

Xiamen Boson Biotech Rapid Test Quote: <<It is designed for the rapid qualitative determination of SARS-CoV-2 virus antigen in nasopharyngeal SWABS FROM INDIVIDUALS SUSPECTED OF COVID-19 BY THEIR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER WITHIN THE FIRST SEVEN DAYS OF SYMPTOM ONSET.

Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card cannot be used as the basis to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection.>>

Additionally, these rapid tests severely burn my nose and I require treatment and there is no spit-in-a-tube ‘No-swab’ saliva COVID tests alternative offered that is not as invasive or hazardous in the case that there was currently an actual pandemic.

The first time my nose burned for three days and I did smell some kind of substance in my nose. The second time the substance smelled much stronger and my nose burned for 5 days and crusted.

This proves that the traces of ethylene oxide differ from batch to batch. Sometimes there is a lot more than other times.

According to this website, Quote:<<Trace levels of EO and ethylene chlorohydrin (ECH) may remain on products after an EO sterilization process. ISO10993-7 outlines the specific limits of EO and ECH that must not be exceeded in order to ensure product and patient safety.>>

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, Quote: << Evidence in humans indicates that long-term exposure to ethylene oxide increases the risk of cancers of the white blood cells, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma, and lymphocytic leukemia. Studies also show that long-term exposure to ethylene oxide increases the risk of breast cancer in females.>>

My son has to take two rapid tests a week to access education and I am worried about the frequent use of ethylene oxide traces causing white blood cell cancer.

China is a security risk as we don't know if they caused the pandemic on purpose and are now profiting from it by selling us rapid tests and bribing corrupt politicians or enticing them with investment opportunities.

They are risking our health by not offering evidence or data when asked, and I did ask, regarding: 

1. ISO10993-7 outlines the specific limits of EO and ECH that must not be exceeded in order to ensure product and patient safety.

2. That rapid tests that the trace levels of EO and ethylene chlorohydrin (ECH) that may remain on the swab after an EO sterilization process does not exceed the specific limits of the outlines that ensure product and patient safety when used every 72 hours for an entire year as it is being forced onto people in Cyprus.

3. That rapid tests that the trace levels of EO and ethylene chlorohydrin (ECH) that may remain on the swab after an EO sterilization process does not exceed the specific limits of the outlines that ensure product and patient safety when used every 72 hours for an entire school year as it is being forced onto children in Cyprus.

I have safety concerns regarding the Ethylene Oxide going into my child’s body from:

1. Frequent use of Ethylene Oxide for my child because it is required twice-weekly every 72 hours.

2. Long-term use of twice-weekly amounts of Ethylene Oxide over 10 months of a school year.

3. The amount of Ethylene Oxide on rapid tests.

The EU obviously doesn't care and the Cyprus government doesn't care at what dangers are entering EU citizen's bodies by security-risk countries implicated in creating a pandemic that could have been done for trade or profit, or at least milk the situation after the event. And China's faithful minions of corrupt greedy politicians keeping the illusion of a pandemic going when there clearly isn't one anymore for personal gain.

Even the WHO states, Quote: << Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. >>

Where is the pandemic and why are we shoving unnecessary high-risk rapid tests from dodgy security risk pandemic suspect China into our bodies?

thomas jamies | 24/10/2022

Such informative article. Thanks for sharing. As COVID-19 was in peak on last years and world have to face many issues such as we have lost many important humans, the whole world is still facing financial issues but we have completely ignored the SOPs of COVID-19 that WHO has mentioned . I think EU authorities must take any strict actions and allow new SOP's that must be followed by all world specially EU.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.