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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Democratic deepening and prosperity in the European Union

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 20/05/2022 |
Number of views: 713

The great contradiction

As citizens of the union we live in an area of freedom, the European area, we think freely, we express ourselves freely, we choose freely, and we move freely. Without restrictions we can experience Europe in its many different forms, we can be what we want as citizens, as nations, and as separate identities. We can study and work anywhere in the EU, we share the common currency, and our position in the world is strong.

As citizens of the union, we live disconnected from the new system of governance, in an area of freedom, the freedom of political choice is weak. Who determines the future of Europe, from whom do they take orders, from where do they derive legitimacy? We have handed over our sovereignty to transnational structures that we do not control, who exercises sovereignty and in name of whom? How does the appointed European Commission legislate, who dictates and who judges its legislation? How much political power does the European Parliament have, how much does the European Council have? Rhetorical questions, critical decisions in the EU are taken according the power anyone express in the European Council, in closed rooms where the political and especially the economic power of each country is the critical factor. The European Commission gives the legal form, and makes decisions look infallible, the co-decision procedure makes the decisions partially democratic. How easy the citizens of the union follow these labyrinthine decisions, who can they applaud, and to whom can they attribute responsibilities? The European model of governance lacks accountability, lacks democratic control, and lacks popular mandate. Political castes are emerging, and are appointed by procedures difficult for the ordinary citizen, simple election by the people looks old-fashioned, and the one who has the power in Europe know the "good" of Europe better than anyone else. Often Europe debates on values as a cover for its own faults, the debate for climate change hides that we are one of the biggest polluters in the world, the debate for peace hides that we are one of the biggest arms dealers, and the skepticism we express about the authoritarianism that prevails in much of the world hides our own democratic deficit.

Economic giant and political dwarf

The EU lacks political autonomy, issues of the EU are approached on the basis of separate interests, solutions are regulatory rather than reformist, and in most cases, it makes compromises and small steps while the world changes radically. The way decisions making reproduces inequalities and fails to give the EU the impetus it needs. Many times, national governments look like scapegoats, the only ones accountable, the only ones exposed to debate and electoral contention. A framework that hides the political inadequacy of the European institutions, their inability to approach the EU as it really is, as a system of strongly interdependent entities that requires a cohesive approach. The EU lacks a clearly defined leadership that addresses the whole, that makes decisions for the whole, that draws power and prestige from the whole, that unites the whole.

What we are asking for

As European citizens, we demand the right to vote of those who express sovereignty in the EU, on the basis of security, social cohesion, and the well-being of all of us. Three successive crises, the debt crisis, the pandemic crisis and the war in Ukraine, highlight the need. A European governance orphaned by democratic processes is a setback to the authoritarianism from which our peoples have suffered and fought to escape. There is an urgent need for European authority that derives its prestige and acceptance from the peoples of Europe, which is legitimized in the conscience of the peoples of Europe. These are the characteristics that will make the European authority quick and effective in its decisions, will make it the cohesive link between us, not the manipulations and the background, not the expression of power from the strongest to the weakest.

We recognize that the transition to a clear European authority that represents us democratically is not easy, but it is necessary, and it is inevitable. It is time for the European Constitution to pause as a draft but get formal and active, and it is the EU's duty to inform the people of the need for a European Constitution that define a cohesive European State.

A public debate can give hope. In a changing world where new forces are emerging, where authoritarianism is spreading, politically united, democratic Europe will advocate its values, will have a strong presence, will remain a place of prosperity and freedom. Together we can win.

A public debate can allay fears, in this debate: The rich will realize that the prudent transfer of federal funds will not deprive them of wealth but will create wealth in which they can take a piece, such historical examples exist. Proponents of national security will realize that a pan-European security system ensures stability more effectively, preventing regional conflicts and consequent refugee flows, ensures unimpeded access to natural resources, and stabilizes the prices of goods. Proponents of a smaller state will realize that a strong supranational state structure can better support self-sufficiency, and innovation, boost productivity, protect European industry and agricultural production, other big countries successfully have done and gained the lead. Proponents of national identity will realize that no identity is assimilated, but it is the European identity that is strengthened and is the European identity the guaranty for the national, racial, sexual or any other identity.

We are students from a school in Greece, we discussed in detail what the EU is, how it affects us and how we as citizens of tomorrow can influence it. We see history evolving, we realize the deep, strong relationships that are developing in Europe. In this new expanded context, we demand the essential suffrage, we demand that we be the ones who delegate power at the supranational level, with a view to securing our fundamental rights, expressing our demands, developing balanced relations, avoiding conflict, better cooperation, and collective progress. We do not accept the members of committees and councils to decide in our absence. We do not accept the Chineseization of the European political scene.

Europe, the old continent, the continent that gave birth to democracy, enlightenment, human rights, and the state, can still generate ideas, a transnational constitution is at the gates, and the sooner we realize it the safer we will be in a changing world.


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