Chuig an bpríomhábhar
Fóram an Tionscnamh Eorpach ó na Saoránaigh


Ar an leathanach foghlama, is féidir leat rochtain a fháil ar ábhair threoracha, ar scéalta ratha, ar thaifeadtaí ar sheimineáir ghréasáin agus ar ábhar foghlama eile, iad uile eagraithe de réir topaice  

An Tionscnamh Eorpach ó na Saoránaigh: Próiseas agus Cleachtas

Céimeanna sa phróiseas
Uirlisí tacaíochta an tionscnaimh eorpaigh ó na saoránaigh

Discover the first-ever ECI Infopacket designed specifically for civil society organisations, by civil society organisations!

Book with lightbulb
Pacáiste eolais an Tionscnaimh Eorpaigh ó na Saoránaigh d’Eagraíochtaí na Sochaí Sibhialta

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoi…

Opportunities for Organisers

The ECI Forum offers newly registered European citizens' initiatives an Online Tailor-made Welcome Call

This is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your initiative before the start of your campaign! 

Once your initiative is officially registered by the European Commission, the ECI Forum contacts you via email and invites you to attend an online tailor-made training session (in English) which includes an overview of the signature collection process, the support tools available and campaigning advice. 

Learn from the organisers

Discover the various meet and greet videos with ECI organisers below 

Meet and Greet with the organisers of the European citizens’ initiatives (ECI) 'Creation of a European Environmental Authority' and 'Ban Conversion Practices in the EU'
Meet and Greet with Claudia Taccani
Meet-and-greet with European Citizens’ Initiative Organisers
Meet and greet with organisers of the ECI’s Fur Free Europe and High-Speed Rail
Meet and Greet with Initiative Organisers - 2022
Learning by doing, with passion

Success Stories

Picture of trophy with star in the middle
An Eoraip Saor ó Fhionnadh
Picture of trophy with star in the middle
Cuirtear deireadh leis an teascadh eití – Cuirtear deireadh leis an trádáil

Read more Success Stories!

Forléargas ar sheimineáir ghréasáin