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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

ImagineEU competition winners

We asked young Europeans to imagine the change they want to see in the European Union. They were invited to think of concrete ideas that can make the EU an even better place to live, and that could benefit citizens across the European Union – similarly to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). Learn more about the ImagineEU video competition

More than 400 teams took part and submitted a video – demonstrating creativity and a passion for being active in their communities. A public vote determined the top 50 videos which were then assessed by the competition jury

Discover the three winning videos and the students’ ideas for a better European Union. 

  • Italy
  • Language: en

The creation of a European Central Energy Bank to supply Eu countries in order to diversify sources, ensure a constant flow and reduce the impact of crises. The European Central Energy Bank would be able to: negotiate stable prices, provide certainty to both businesses and consumers, contribute to a more equitable economic growth and promote renewable and sustainable energies.

EU competence(s)
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  • Romania
  • Language: en

rEUniON is a structured environment for informed discussions about the European Union, fostering a deeper understanding of its policies, challenges, and impact. Our citizens' initiative is to introduce rEUniON debate clubs in high schools and the creation of an online European rEUniON debate platform, to which all European high school students can have access to. The diverse perspectives, the educational values, the civic engagement and the network opportunities are all epitomes of rEUniON.

EU competence(s)
Education, Training and YouthHuman rights and democracyJustice and Fundamental Rights
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  • France
  • Language: fr

Our project was the result of our research for an Erasmus + project on the need to save water. The drawing is a creative and innovative idea, just like our waste-filtering grids. In our video, a man drops a cigarette end, contaminating the water with the toxins it contains. He thinks he’s fully in control, but he’s the direct victim of his own thoughtlessness. Our system would filter out most of the surface debris, thereby contributing to a Europe free from pollution.

EU competence(s)
EnvironmentPublic HealthResearch and innovation
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