This video is an entry in the ImagineEU competition. The competition invited teenagers to show their ideas for improving life in their community or country. They have made short videos explaining what they think needs to be changed and how this could be done. The competition builds on the concept of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), an important tool of participatory democracy in the EU, allowing citizens to play an active part in EU policymaking.
Waste-filtering grids: a modest idea for a world free from pollution
Video summary
Our project was the result of our research for an Erasmus + project on the need to save water. The drawing is a creative and innovative idea, just like our waste-filtering grids. In our video, a man drops a cigarette end, contaminating the water with the toxins it contains. He thinks he’s fully in control, but he’s the direct victim of his own thoughtlessness. Our system would filter out most of the surface debris, thereby contributing to a Europe free from pollution.
Students' information
Students' names:
Elisa ROUX
Paloma SIVET