Chuig an bpríomhábhar
Fóram an Tionscnamh Eorpach ó na Saoránaigh

Make unpaid internships illegal

Údar: Inactive user |
Arna nuashonrú an: 03/12/2018 |
Líon na n-amharc: 347

The title discribes it as it should be. It's a pity have to work full-time for free. Unfortunately, across the EU we see posts for a job offers for an unpaid internship. Even if it's the young person's decision, it shouldn't have been an option in the first place. As person who was forced by their educational system; thus the goverment, an EU government, to do an unpaid internship in order to get my diploma, I have to say just one thing. Young people have a lot more to offer at work than an employer does. The right to work should be fair for everyone in the EU.


Fág do thuairim

Le go mbeidh tú in ann nótaí tráchta a fhágáil, ní mór duit fíordheimhniúclárú.


Forum Team | 15/02/2019

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Let us draw your attention to the existence of EU actions on the issue you are raising, such as the banning of unpaid internships by the Bureau of the European Parliament. Please find more information following this link:

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