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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Mini Quiz for University Students - Open-ended Question

Author: ECI Forum Team |
Updated on: 14/12/2022 |
Number of views: 358

If you were to launch an initiative, what would be the topic?

Submit your answers in the comment section below. 


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Laura Vasile | 14/12/2022

Disability advocacy

Ane Lore Serón Canales | 14/12/2022

Green energy

Avinash Singh | 14/12/2022

Climate change at Municipal level through local government.

uyggg yy | 20/12/2022

Daniela Costa Ferreira | 01/02/2023

European school system


emrah chris | 11/03/2024

Develop an online platform or mobile application that helps students calculate their grades more efficiently and accurately.

Here's a brief outline of how it could work:

User-friendly Interface: Create a clean and intuitive interface where students can input their course information, including the grading scale, assignment weights, and individual scores.

Automated Calculation: Develop an algorithm that automatically calculates the overall grade based on the entered information. The algorithm should consider factors like assignment weights, exam scores, and any additional criteria specified by the user.

Customization Options: Allow students to customize the "grade calculator" to fit their specific requirements. This includes options for extra credit, dropping lowest scores, or adjusting grading scales for individual courses.

What-if Scenarios: Enable students to explore "what-if" scenarios by allowing them to input hypothetical scores for upcoming assignments or exams. This feature can help students assess the impact of different performance levels on their overall grade.

Progress Tracking: Provide a progress tracker that allows students to monitor their grades over time. This can include a visual representation of their performance and the ability to set grade goals for motivation.

Grade Sharing and Collaboration: Implement features that allow students to share their grades with peers or collaborate on group projects. This can foster a supportive academic community and encourage students to learn from one another.

Reminders and Notifications: Send reminders and notifications to students about upcoming deadlines, exam dates, or any changes in grading policies. This helps students stay organized and on top of their coursework.

Educational Resources: Include educational resources within the platform, such as study tips, time management strategies, or links to relevant academic materials. This enhances the overall learning experience for students.

Integration with Learning Management Systems: Explore the possibility of integrating the grade calculation initiative with existing learning management systems used by universities. This can streamline the process for both students and "GPA" instructors.

Privacy and Security: Prioritize the security of student data by implementing appropriate encryption measures and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

By launching a grade calculator initiative like this, students can benefit from a more efficient and accurate way of tracking their academic progress, enabling them to make informed decisions about their studies and better manage their time and efforts.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.