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Φόρουμ της Ευρωπαϊκής Πρωτοβουλίας Πολιτών

Vegan Products and Animal Rights

Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: Inactive user |
Επικαιροποιήθηκε στις: 24/08/2018 |
Αριθμός προβολών: 844

In my opinion European Union should to promote Vegan Products. There are a lot of reasons have to be encouraged. But most important things are global warming and animal rights.
A lot of companies abuse animals to their benefit and earn more much money. Animals are sensitive and they able to feel, there is no different between humans and animals. Although European Union knows all those abusing they do not get act to finish those crime.
As you know the greatest cause of global warming is animal husbandry. European Union should encourage Vegan Foods.
No fur, no cage and no abusing animals life.

Please keep safe animal rights.



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Inactive user | 08/08/2021

What - shall we make meat-eating ILLEGAL ? Shall we hide in secret dark places and fight the police to eat what we do like ?

If I eat only veggies, I'll die soon, for sure. Or shall get crazy and dangerous, at least.

Yes, killing animals is terrible, but killing people is terrible too, which is not a problem for GOD to kill millions of us every day, no matter how old or how nice we are, do we have "faces" or not.

That is why he made us cruel hunters, killers, ignorant meat-eaters. 

We see so much human's death and terror around us every day, that  "stop kill animals" slogans sound ridiculous.

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Inactive user | 07/10/2020

Hi Emily, how are you? I can guarantee that if you feed yourself with fruits, vegetables, grains you would not die but also improve your health. I agree with you killing people is horrible but one problem does not justify the other. I believe you are not going around killing people, so the answers for that are a bit far from our hands, we need the help of politicians for that. Where the food we can easily choose rather than having a dead cows burger full of cholesterol choose a plant-based option that is also delicious, healthier and sustainable. 

I hope you can see the change and try to cause less suffering. 

Animals are not a product 

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Inactive user | 19/12/2018

Take care:

Eating a plant-based diet may lower the risk of chronic disease and is good for the environment, but poorly planned vegan diets that do not replace the critical nutrients found in meat, can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies.

Bone health is a concern for long-term vegans. Vegans are consistently reported to have lower intakes of calcium and vitamin D, with resultant lower blood levels of vitamin D and lower bone mineral density reported worldwide. Fracture rates are also nearly a third higher among vegans compared with the general population.

Source : World Economic Forum

Also iodine is essential for health.

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Inactive user | 07/10/2020

Emil, I understand your worries, but really, you do not die if you don't eat meat. Just try it out and eat for one day a week no meat, later two days, you will see that you will rarely miss it. I totally agree with you that eating meat should not be illegalized, but it should reflect the real costs of live, food and environment.

If people would eat less meat, the world would not become a perfect place. But a better.

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Forum Team | 15/02/2019

Thank you for raising the issue / sharing this idea on our platform.

Are you aware of the steps to follow to draft and register a European Citizens’ Initiative? Are you currently looking for partners and/or for further developments of your idea?

Please note that you can find useful information and guidance notes in the LEARN section of the Forum, especially in terms of procedural steps or tips to draft an initiative (https://collab.ec.europa.eu/wiki/eci/display/ECI/Learn).

If you are looking for partners to form a citizens’ committee, make sure you check out the CONNECT section of the Forum (https://collab.ec.europa.eu/wiki/eci/display/ECI/Connect). Here, you can search the database, identify users committed to your same cause and contact them to be potential co-organisers for your initiative or even for advice. 

Let us draw your attention to the existence of EU policies on animal welfare. Please find more information following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/food/animals/welfare_en.

Two initiatives are currently running on a similar issue, you can find them on the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative: http://ec.citizens-initiative.europa.eu/public/initiatives/open/details/2018/000007 and http://ec.citizens-initiative.europa.eu/public/initiatives/open/details/2018/000004.

If you have already started to draft an initiative and are looking for advice (whether legal advice, or advice on campaigning, fundraising, communicating, or other aspects), check out the SEEK ADVICE section of the Forum in order to receive tailor-made feedback on your proposed initiative (https://collab.ec.europa.eu/wiki/eci/display/ECI/Seek+advice).

If you have reached the stage to be ready to register an initiative, the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative might be more adapted to your request: http://ec.citizens-initiative.europa.eu/public/how-to-register.

The Forum Moderation Team

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