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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Regulating social media and new digital media with age rating

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 15/10/2021 |
Number of views: 708

Good afternoon,


I wanted to take part in the forum because I had been returning to a matter of concern to me as a father, and I did not know where a citizens’ initiative could be raised in this area. I would like to receive advice on whether or not it is really a topic on this platform.


I came to the idea, thank you very much in advance:)



Ensure that the content consumed by each age group of European Union citizens is adequate, with particular emphasis on the smallest. 



One of the main problems of children today is the exposure of children on social media. We have not only addiction problems, but also problems of depression, mercantilitisation, hypersexualisation, etc. 

It may be naïve to think that in the coming decades the solution to these problems is in the hands of the parents alone. Due to the fact that the use of new technologies is increasingly rooted in society, it is inevitable that children will increasingly have access to digital content. 

In order to bring regulation into line with the evolution of these technologies, it is therefore necessary to regulate the content to which the youngest and most vulnerable have access. This makes much sense given that most audiovisual media already have specific regulations in the same field. For example, video games are certified as PEGI (Pan-european Game Information) or films have an age rating system which varies according to geography. 

We therefore propose that all those creators of social media content for profit should have their channel classified according to the type of content they publish, and that social media should prevent this content from reaching minors who are underaged. 

To that end, social media should in some way be obliged to practise a simple KYC on its users in order to be sure of the age of those who are viewing the content. On the other hand, content creators would be classified according to parameters similar to those used in video games and films with particular emphasis on the following data:


— Use of sexual images

Erotic or stereotypical stereotyping of the human body 

— Violence 

— insults and inappropriate vocabulary 

— Marketing and advertising of products 

We do not say that this content should be prohibited. That is not the question, we do not consider whether or not the erotic content is appropriate. What matters is to decide at which age each thing can be seen. 

For example, a 5-year-old child should not be the target of a marketing campaign through influencers on certain channels. Or perhaps 7 years old, it is too early to view content that can help this hypersexualisation of children. 

If a content creator wants to have some publications dedicated to all audiences and others more suitable for adults, it would be more appropriate for it to have separate channels and for each of these channels to have the most appropriate age classification.



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Inactive user | 23/10/2021

Is there anyone out there who could give some light on wether this is something worth to try to start working on it as an iniciative?

Forum Team | 26/10/2021

Dear Jordi Nebot Carda,

Thank you very much for sharing your idea on the Forum. We read it with great interest.

To answer your question, I would kindly ask you to submit your question as an enquiry to the "Seek Advice" function of the Forum. By doing so, legal experts will be able to provide you a tailor-made answer to the question.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments on this!

All the best,

Your European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team

Inactive user | 30/10/2021


I do not think that regulation based on age is appropriate. Since regulations of this kind can also be easily circumvented, they also make no sense.

Rather, in my view, it is necessary to provide information in schools, whether through funding from the EU Member States or from the EU itself. Children and adolescents need to be informed about the risks associated with the use of social media. It will only be possible to solve this problem by means of education. Regulations and bans do not fit into a liberal EU.

Jenni Carbone | 22/02/2023

Age rating systems are one solution that can help parents better manage the type of content their children are exposed to online. language barriers

Hasan Zaheer | 14/12/2023

This article offers a positive and sensible proposal to address concerns about children's exposure to inappropriate content on social media. The suggestion to classify content creators and enforce age-appropriate restrictions aligns with existing regulations in other media, providing a practical solution. The emphasis on accountability through a KYC process adds a layer of security, making it a thoughtful and constructive approach to safeguarding young users online. For a realistic soccer gaming experience must try FIFA Mobile Soccer Game.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.