Põhisisu juurde
Euroopa kodanikualgatuse foorum

Civil Society Welcome Meeting

Alguskuupäev: 14/11/2023 - 16:00
Lõppkuupäev: 14/11/2023
Praegune olek: Lõppenud
Uuendatud: 20/10/2023

At the Civil Society Welcome meeting on 14 November, we presented the first-ever ECI Infopacket created specifically for civil society organisations. The methodology of creating the Infopacket was also presented, where 200 umbrella and membership organisations across the EU were consulted on what they wished to see in such an Infopacket, serving as the basis of the Infopacket. This means that the ECI Infopacket was created for – and by – civil society organisations!




Vastutuse välistamine: Euroopa kodanikualgatuse foorumil avaldatud arvamused kajastavad üksnes nende autorite seisukohta. Neid ei saa mingil juhul pidada Euroopa Komisjoni ega Euroopa Liidu seisukoha väljenduseks.