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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Shoddy China Products Need to be Tested for Endurance

Author: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Updated on: 25/06/2021 |
Number of views: 353

I am sick of buying products from China only to find that they break extremely quickly, within days or months and they have to have replaced very often. My non-stick pans need to replaced every few months. My shoes barely last a few months and start un-sticking. Toys last from one to three days.

They need long-term testing to test for their endurance before being sold in the EU. They are wasting resources just to make repeat profits.

An EU body is required to test the endurance of products. If the product passes the test it will receive an EU seal proving that it has been approved and tested for endurance. An EU policy is then required that disallows products in the EU that do not have an endurance seal of approval.

When I give my money, I want to know the product will last. An alternative would be to force China to give two year guarantees; however that is unlikely to work and will be too much trouble for the consumer and the businesses in China to carry out. The EU I see is for ensuring safety and quality for EU citizens.


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