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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

A more fair way to demand taxes to companies operating Europewide and having the registered office in a country with low taxation

Author: Mattia Antonini |
Updated on: 25/07/2022 |
Number of views: 333

Thanks to Europe and the liberalized market, it is more easy today to buy and sell goods and services all over Europe.


The only problem is the different taxation that each country has. 

Having the registered office in a country that demands a ridiculous amount of taxes, makes this company in a huge advantage compared to the others operating in other countries.

This leads to an unfair competition and I find unethical.

Today we have the technology to trace products and services, we know exactly from where they are coming from and where they are going. 

You can see, for example, how much profit Amazon is making by operating in Italy, or in other countries.

So the idea is simple:

Why the taxes cannot be demanded from every single country according to the amount of profit that this country generated to the company?

Again I use Amazon as an example.

Lets say that 20% of the profit of Amazon is coming from selling good and services in Germany. Why can't Germany asks Amazon to pay the taxes for this 20% in Germany ?

This would stop people to use as an excuse, against the liberalization of the market, that the big companies are not paying taxes. 

In this way, taxes would be always paid.

I find this way more equal for everyone.

What do you think about it? 


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