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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

refugees and migrants, discrimination?

Author: Rolf Citizen |
Updated on: 11/04/2022 |
Number of views: 2862

I hear more and more sounds in the media, that the differentiation we make between refugees and migrants entering Europe is a form of discrimination.

This is highly incorrect and unfair toward the refugees.

Foreign migrants in my opinion are very welcome in Europe, provided they enter through a legal process where they will be asked if they share our values and looked at if they will contribute to our society.  Like welcoming a new member into a club, or new personnel into a firm, you want new people to share your basic values and offer added value.

The refugees from Ukraine, is something totally different. These people, who by the way, largely consist of the most vulnerable citizens (women, children, and the elderly), see their villages bombarded en masse: hospitals, schools, houses. They seek shelter in Europe and are praying for peace so that they can safely return back home.

The unclearness and disagreement about how to handle the influx of people from abroad, is very bad for the unity within Europe. It has played a certain role in Brexit and we see disagreement between the member states and even within each member state.

We really need a better set of EU rules that are: crystal clear, fair, well-understandable for everybody, and well-known by everybody also outside Europe: Foreign people need to know clearly where they stand before they enter Europe, not find out afterward.

These rules should also shed clearness on a fair differentiation between migrants who seek better life opportunities and refugees like the Ukrainians whose towns are being wiped out by bombs.






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