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Fórum európskej iniciatívy občanov

Online Database and App of all Products Sold in the EU with Ingredients Listed.

Autor/autorka: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Dátum aktualizácie: 24/06/2021 |
Počet zobrazení: 203

There is a big problem in the EU with ingredients labels. The test is microscopic and unreadable. Many times the language spoken by a citizen is just not listed. A purchase cannot be made with ease in the supermarket with these obstacles. Sometimes the product is not bought at all when this problem arises resulting in loss of trade for that company.

A policy where all products sold in the EU must be registered on an EU online database and offline app with all the ingredients listed in all the languages of the EU. It must also be categorised via country so products within a specific EU country are easy to find.

This must include products made and sold by bakeries and restaurants. The restaurants and bakeries must also provide their allergy list.

The app must be available offline so that people can check in a supermarket without internet. The product could be accessed by scanning a QR code or by direct search terms. The app can auto-update when it is in an internet environment.



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Inactive user | 27/06/2021

I think this needs to go even further and describe every products origin and quality.

It makes a huge difference to me if the eggs in the pasty I buy are organic and free-range or not. This also applies to all restaurants. If I eat a 20€ steak in a restaurant I want to know if its cheap discounter meat or regional, free-range meat.

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