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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Legislation education/training all life long for crime prevention

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 26/10/2021 |
Number of views: 458

I am proposing legislation of a country to be taught in school. And because legislation is changing and updating all the time, there should be legislation training at workplace. The most common crimes that hinder us to live peacefully in society and their punishments should be taught.

That should help prevent bullying ,harassment ,cyberstalking for example.

If you are interested to be in the group of organizers to my citizens initiative 'Legislation education/training all life long for crime prevention' ,please signal it to me.

I am a cyberstalking victim. The cyberstalking went from online to offline life and it got violent, including physically violent.

In my case the cyberstalkers made sexual details and other private information public to work in a cac 40 French company for public entertainment. After making another attempt to continue working in another company in Germany (non related to the French company) where the harassment repeated itself, I had to go jobless to avoid suicide.

In my case the cyberstalkers contacted neighbors to harass me in order to make me sell a family property at less than a fifth of it value.

I have reported the cyberstalking to police and two years later I am still actively harassed.



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Inactive user | 30/10/2021

A very good idea!


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