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Az európai polgári kezdeményezés fóruma

An Internet regulation to boost innovation

Szerző: Inactive user |
Frissítés dátuma: 02/04/2019 |
Megtekintések száma: 443

Current BEREC's net neutrality guidelines as well as Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 limit the development of new services based on the Internet. Some NRA are applying those guidelines in a way that they are already limiting basic network management (e.g. OFCOM in the UK). From the perspective of people without specific knowledge in this area network neutrality is a field for ideological opinion.

It is clear from a technical point of view that different services have different network requirements in terms of latency, packet lost or band width to mention some parameters. On the verge of the next economical revolution, Europe can’t lose again the lead of innovation and technology.

In my opinion, national and European regulators don’t have a broad view of how their actions affect our economy and society. Even if BEREC claims that the next generation of mobile networks (5G) will not have any kind of problem in terms of network neutrality, the reality is that “normal” networks are already having regulatory problems to use basic network management techniques.

It’s possible to apply advanced network techniques in terms of services, not users neither economical agents. We need an approach more focused on solving problems more than creating ex ante problems where there were no problems. Please, Europe really need a bet on freedom and innovation.


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