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Forum europske građanske inicijative


Autor: Inactive user |
Ažurirano: 04/03/2019 |
Broj pregleda: 922

Throughout all of the countries of Europe, recycling rates for plastic packaging vary from a high of 51% to a low of 10% with the average around 28% of all plastic packaging consumed. This means that 72% of more than 43 million tonnes is not recycle but rather is either burnt, buried or is lost into the environment. This result falls far short of the aspirations of EU policy and the claims of countries across Europe whose statements and determinations are searching for better results.

Changing this result is not only a question of capacity but moreover, it’s necessary to motivate Consumers to offer up this packaging material once it’s served its function which is more often than not, single use packaging. This sort of task is difficult as it includes changes to cultural and also to moral norms, defining the significant and sustained effort of recycling as a ‘civic duty’. Normal domestic ‘throwing away’ of garbage must become a matter of separating plastic packaging from the rest and sending it to a different bin which is collected on a different day - this means double the work for each household which is a difficult story to sell to everyone in the community. Motivating consumers on mass to undertake extra activity on a continuing basis is extremely difficult but a necessary change which has to be made across Europe if we are to curtail the degradation of our own living space and the wider environment - But how to do it?

To start with, empowering young people by delivering important information and to learn about plastics during studies at school; the role they play in our society; and, what they can do, would become a powerful driver for social change over time. It’s often the children within the family group who are given the job to ‘do the recycling’ or ‘take out the garbage bin’, so if their knowledge base includes: which sorts of plastics were recyclable; and, how they can be reused, would be an advantage to the collection of weekly household plastic waste instead of send it all to general waste as happens most often at present. The more packaging which is offered for recycling by consumers then the less goes to incineration. Millions of tonnes could be collected with simple changes driven by those people who are motivated to inherit a healthy society and a pollution-free world.

To this end, my project involves installing a mini plastic processing lab into each School in the form of a 3D printer equipped with an extruder and strip cutter. In the first instance, this will enable Students to turn PET bottles into useful objects through 3D printing. Latterly, this same apparatus can be used for the reuse of nearly any type of plastic packaging ensuring that each student can see and experience the recycling up close and real. The experience of this process, it will make it clear why recycling is necessary and how it actually works - education is key to change. Will it lead to an increase in household recycling? It must certainly help as much as anything else currently being tried in EU Policy.
In the short term, this process will amount to the recycling of significant tonnage of plastic from activity in every school but moreover, the change will come from each household which becomes aware and informed about each type of plastic and the how it should be offered for recycling. Eventually the result will inevitably develop the recycling habit leading to vastly increased tonnage to be offered up.

This process has to start urgently and it has to be effective – the sooner the better.
I’m looking for comments and participation to build such a programme in the regulatory sense and to support the innovation to create all of the elements of this programme.


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Forum Team | 15/02/2019

Thank you for raising the issue and sharing this idea on our platform.

Are you aware of the steps to follow to draft and register a European Citizens’ Initiative? Are you currently looking for partners and/or for further developments of your idea?

Please note that you can find useful information and guidance notes in the LEARN section of the Forum, especially in terms of procedural steps or tips to draft an initiative (

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Similar ideas were brought up on this Forum. Would you like to discuss them with the concerned user(s) in the comment section or contact the author using the CONNECT section? You can find the discussions here:

Let us draw your attention to the existence of EU policies on the issue you are raising, such as the EU Plastics Strategy ( or the vote of the European Parliament to ban single-use plastic items (

If you have already started to draft an initiative and are looking for advice (whether legal advice, or advice on campaigning, fundraising, communicating, or other aspects), check out the SEEK ADVICE section of the Forum in order to receive tailor-made feedback on your proposed initiative (

If you have reached the stage to be ready to register an initiative, the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative might be more adapted to your request:

The Forum Moderation Team

Frank Doejine | 18/12/2022

Kako biste dostojno razumjeli pisač koji se daje prema završnoj obradi svakog pisača, možete probiti bočne i negativne pisače.

sara mickal | 22/02/2023

zahvaljujemo na dobroj informaciji koju možete koristiti sjemenskim korovima bez njegova najljepšeg

Prono Buzono | 11/12/2023

Hvala na sadržaju 

bella estella | 14/12/2023

Kako bi se više ljudi diljem Europe motiviralo da recikliraju plastičnu ambalažu, višedimenzionalan pristup sličan načinu na koji bolnice promiču zdravlje i dobrobit mogu biti učinkoviti. Kao što bolnice sudjeluju u javnozdravstvenim kampanjama, široko rasprostranjene obrazovne inicijative kojima se ističe utjecaj plastičnog otpada na okoliš i koristi od recikliranja mogu podići razinu osviještenosti. Suradnja između vlada, nevladinih organizacija i korporacija, slična partnerstvima u zdravstvu, može pomoći u provedbi učinkovitih programa recikliranja i osiguravanju pristupačnih postrojenja za recikliranje. Programi poticaja, kao što su programi povrata pologa, također mogu potaknuti recikliranje. Osim toga, isticanje uspješnih priča i najboljih praksi u recikliranju, kao što jecentarza bolnice, može potaknuti zajednice i informirati zajednice o važnosti i učinku njihovih napora u pogledu recikliranja. Tim integriranim pristupom može se stvoriti kultura recikliranja, što ga čini normom, a ne iznimkom.





Ali Hassan | 18/05/2024

Ova inicijativa za uvođenje laboratorija za preradu plastike u škole nadahnjuje i praktična je jer nudi kreativno rješenje koje bi učenike moglo uključiti u zabavne i obrazovne načine. Nevjerojatno je kako tako jednostavna ideja može imati značajan utjecaj na navike recikliranja i ekološku svijest, potencijalno izazivajući interes za teme održivosti, pa čak i nadahnjujući buduće karijere u industriji zabave usmjerene na ekološke inicijative. U potpunosti podržavam taj inovativni pristup i željan sam da se on provede diljem Europe, zamišljajući budućnost u kojoj se zabava i svijest o okolišu besprijekorno isprepliću radi poboljšanja društva.

Izjava o ograničenju odgovornosti: Mišljenja izražena na forumu europske građanske inicijative isključivo odražavaju stajalište njihovih autora i ni na koji se način ne mogu smatrati odrazom stajališta Europske komisije ili Europske unije.