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Forum de l’initiative citoyenne européenne

Food transparency

Auteur: Inactive user |
Mis à jour le: 16/11/2018 |
Nombre de vues: 456

I saw the initiative at and it's cool, but I would actually expand the information provided even further. My idea would be even more transparency regarding products sold on the EU market – is there palm oil that's harming the environment in the product or not? Where do all the ingredients come from and which of them are obtained from fair trade sources (maybe some of this could be cross-linked to the existing Fair Trade organisation)?

There are sites such as that try to crowdsource information about products, but really I think it should be the role of the companies selling these products in the EU market to transparently disclose everything. The EU should enforce this and provide an authoritative and up-to-date online source of information regarding all products.

The consumer in the EU should then be able to just scan the barcode on a product with a smartphone app to access all this information and make the right decision on whether to purchase the product or not. I then imagine a scrollable product lifecycle showing you where did the individual ingredients of a product come from.

What do you think? Is there perhaps something similar already? I mean I know some information on the product label is standardised (energy value, fats, carbs etc. in food), but I think that information is not really giving the full picture.


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Inactive user | 14/12/2020

I think that your idea is really good. I would like to go even further. It should be more transparency and information about production processes. People usually buy processed products without think who made that, how much money the farmer got for it, what's his effect on the environment...

I got shocked lastly by avocado farms in Chile. Some companies buy almost all water available in a region to produce avocados. Then, they sell them in Europe. I bet that most of the European consumers don't know that some people in the world can't use water because of avocado production!

And finally, making it even worse, we waste tons of food! We waste around 88 million tons ( Its insane...

Forum Team | 15/02/2019

Thank you for raising the issue and sharing this idea on our platform.

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An idea about food waste was also brought up on this Forum. Would you like to discuss it with the concerned user(s) in the comment section or contact the author using the CONNECT section? You can find the discussion here:

Let us draw your attention to the existence of a public consultation which was conducted on the issue you are raising: the “Public Consultation on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain”. Please find more information following this link: You can also consult the website of the European Food Safety Authority (

Two initiatives are currently running on similar issues, you can find them on the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative: and

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If you have reached the stage to be ready to register an initiative, the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative might be more adapted to your request:

The Forum Moderation Team

Inactive user | 30/09/2021

Related to this, I think it is important to have also the same quality of products in EU.

I totally agree that we need to know what we eat and also from where it comes.

Very good idea.

Clause de non-responsabilité: les avis exprimés sur le forum de l’ICE reflètent uniquement le point de vue de leurs auteurs et ne peuvent en aucun cas être considérés comme reflétant la position de la Commission européenne ou de l’Union européenne.