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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Digital Dictators Need Strict Regulations and Accountability

Author: Julia Hadjikyriacou |
Updated on: 23/06/2021 |
Number of views: 401

My freedom rights, medical rights those of others from citizens and online businesses are being violated by Social media giants, Internet search engines, app monopoly platforms and even owners of web servers.

All people have the freedom of choice and freedom of opinion. Mega digital services do not have a right to dictate, censor or influence people’s opinions, factual information or choices.

There are currently no regulations imposed on these digital dictators and they have free reign to ban presidents, shut down citizen’s digital businesses, contain or censor different views to the ones they hold or to promote their personal views, especially regarding experimental medical treatments or their investments.

These digital dictators are dangerous for all citizens and all governments as they act like they are the government and wield the power to shut down and promote their personal view or self-interested motivation only. They need strict regulations to abide by that guarantee people’s freedom and medical rights and accountability like a gross income percentage bases fine. There needs to be an EU reporting tool for their violations. If they do not respect freedom nd medical rights they should get cut down to size. They also need to compensate citizens for loss of income.

Their community standards need to be regulated to ensure they do not violate people’s freedom rights, medical rights, right to business or give them superpowers to simply ban, censor or contain their users.


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Forum Team | 24/06/2021

Dear Julia,

Thanks a lot for sharing your idea. We are looking forward to follow the discussion here on the Forum.

On that note: do you know about the Digital Services Act Package that the European Commission proposed? Maybe some elements of the package could be an interesting contribution to this discussion.

Best regards,

The European Citizens Initiative Forum Team

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.