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Citizen Initiative for a constitution respectively declaration of the EU

Автор: Inactive user |
Актуализирано на: 26/11/2019 |
Брой прегледи: 691

16 years after the try to make a constitution contract between the member states of the EU happen, and after the greek finance crisis, the refugee crisis and the possible exit of Britain, the citizen of the EU should develop a vision for the EU in a declaration. This could be similiar to the declaration papers in the US history a discussion from politicans and common people.


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Inactive user | 27/02/2020


You do know there exists a modern European version, the European Federalist Papers?

And yes, the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe should result in one consolidated treaty with inspiration from functioning federations.

Отказ от отговорност: мненията, споделени във Форума на ЕГИ, изразяват единствено гледната точка на техните автори и по никакъв начин не може да се смята, че изразяват позицията на Европейската комисия или Европейския съюз.