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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Webinar ‘How to run a successful campaign’, 2018

Start date: 09/10/2018
Current status: Closed
Updated on: 22/09/2020

Guest Speaker: Pablo Sánchez, ‘Right2Water’ initiative

Moderator: Simon Blackley, ESN

Languages: EN, PL, DE, FR, IT

If you missed webinar, check the video recording (available in English, Polish, German, French and Italian) and the PowerPoint presentation to learn about the process and the challenges of organising a campaign for a European citizens’ initiative.. You can access the different language versions via the respective selection option of the video player.

Pablo Sánchez works for the European Public Services Union and was the campaign coordinator of the ‘Right2Water’ initiative.

Webinar Agenda

1. Introduction by Simon Blackley [Minute 0 to 2]

2. General advices on campaigns by Simon Blackley [Minute 2 to 19]

3. Intervention by Pablo Sánchez [Minute 19 to 42]

4. Q&A [Minute 42 to 51]

In this webinar, you will find answers to the following questions:

- Why is it crucial to have well designed key messages in your campaign?

- How to plan the timing of your campaign best?

- How to make best use of your network?

The key takeaways from this webinar are:

- Key messages are crucial to target the right audience well and to address people in the way that they react to your campaign.

- You must know your network and be aware of the capacities of the organisations.

- You should set yourself targets of how many signatures you want to collect in a given period.

Webinar ‘How to run a successful campaign’, 2018

Presentation slides

How to run a successful campaign
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.