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Forum voor het Europees burgerinitiatief

Webinar ‘EU Democracy in Action – Have Your Say with the European Citizens’ Initiative’ Toolkit for Schools', 2023

Begindatum: 11/05/2023
Einddatum: 11/05/2023
Huidige status: Gesloten
Bijgewerkt op: 12/05/2023

The new 'EU Democracy in Action - Have your Say with the European Citizens' Initiative' Toolkit for schools aims to help educators introduce secondary school students to the basic concepts of democratic participation in the EU, and includes interactive activities in the framework of the ECI.

Webinar Agenda: 

1. Introduction and Welcoming 

2. Slido Quiz 

3. Introduction to the ECI 

4. Presentation of the Toolkit 

5. Experience of a teacher who piloted the toolkit

6. Q&A with audience


If you missed the webinar, check the video recording (available in English).

Introducing the 'EU Democracy in Action' Toolkit for Schools
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