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Forum dell’iniziativa dei cittadini europei

Corso online — Discussione del modulo 1

Autore: Forum Team |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16 August 2022 |
Numero visualizzazioni: 626

Cari membri del Forum,

Questo è il filo di discussione per partecipare al modulo 1 del corso online sul tema "Comprendere i settori di competenza della Commissione e gestire il processo di registrazione"

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Kiril Bojiloff | 11 September 2022

1. Is an ECI targeting a change of Article 128 of TFEU something which falls within the framework of the Commission’s power?

2. If the text of ECI consists of more than one demand and one of them falls not under the framework of the Commission’s power, can the Commission reject the whole ECI or rejects only this certain demand and accepts rest demands?

Team del forum ICE | 12 September 2022

Dear citizen, 

Thank you for your comment. Regarding your first question, I would advise submitting your question to seek advice where a legal expert can address your question. 

Kind regards, 

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team 

Kiril Bojiloff | 13 September 2022

3. Is it possible in the course of the signature collection period to adjust the petition e.g.:

- by changing wording

- or by adding new demands?

Reason: it is not uncommon that an initial text has been setup by a small team and during collection a much wider audience is involved. It can happen that valuable suggestions by the wider audience are submited to the petition team.

Team del forum ICE | 26 September 2022

Dear Mr. Bojiloff, 

Thank you for submitting your questions! ECI experts, Elisa Lironi and Daniela Vancic, will answer your questions at the webinar on Wednesday, 19 October. You will also have the opportunity to ask any follow-up questions that you may have. 

Kind regards, 

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team 

Francesca Saccani | 19 October 2022

1-È possibile sostenere il passaggio dall'idea all'elaborazione di una proposta legislativa valida?

2-Come contattare le persone giuste all'estero per la mia iniziativa?

Team del forum ICE | 19 October 2022

Gentile signora SACCANI,

Grazie per aver presentato la domanda! Gli esperti dell'ICE, Elisa Lironi e Daniela Vancic, risponderanno alle vostre domande al webinar di mercoledì 19 ottobre. Avrete inoltre la possibilità di porre eventuali domande di follow-up. 

Cordiali saluti, 

Il team del forum dell'iniziativa dei cittadini europei