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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Proposal for the introduction of a financial core on products in order to promote economic equity

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 04/03/2024 |
Number of views: 142

In a world of growing economic inequality, it is imperative to promote conscious and ethical consumer practices. The aim of this proposal is to introduce a ‘Score Financier’ for products sold within the European Union. The aim of this score is to provide consumers with clear information on the economic impact of their purchases, with a focus on contributing to a fair distribution of wealth. By promoting transparency and corporate accountability, this system will encourage fairer business practices, thus supporting the EU’s efforts to reduce socio-economic inequalities.


    1.    Increasing transparency: Provide consumers with accessible information on the economic impact of their purchases.
    2.    Promoting economic fairness: Encourage commercial practices that contribute to a more equitable distribution of wealth.
    3.    Boosting social innovation: Encourage companies to innovate in their business models and value chains to improve their financial score.
    4.    Enhancing consumer confidence: Building a relationship of trust between consumers and brands that commit to economic fairness.

The implementation of the Score Financier will require close cooperation between EU regulatory bodies, social economy experts, non-governmental organisations, and industry representatives. The evaluation criteria will include:

    • The distribution of wages within the company and throughout the value chain.
    • Working conditions and employment practices.
    • Profit margin and its distribution among shareholders, employees, and social investments.
    • Impact on local communities and contribution to local economic development.

Challenges and Solutions:
The introduction of such a score presents challenges, including the collection and verification of data, as well as the standardisation of evaluation criteria. In response, we propose that:

    • The establishment of an independent supervisory body responsible for evaluation and certification.
    • The development of digital tools to facilitate data collection and analysis.
    • International collaboration to harmonise criteria with global standards.

The introduction of a financial core for products represents an opportunity for the European Union to take the lead in promoting a fairer and more sustainable economy. By providing consumers with the means to make informed choices, we can collectively help reduce economic inequalities and support inclusive growth. We therefore call on the European Commission and the European Parliament to consider this proposal as a step towards achieving a fairer and prosperous society for all.


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