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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Plane Journey, transport

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 25/05/2021 |
Number of views: 463

Hello, I would like to share my idea about taking plane for tourism purpose. Why not giving a certain amount of miles each year to citizens for travelling by air? When we reach the amount needed to go somewhere, then we can do it. Eventually, we could buy the "miles pocket" of somebody else at a fixed price. The given mile would represent the real milage + carbon compensation. What do you think about this idea? Brigitte


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Inactive user | 26/05/2021

Essentially you are proposing personal carbon trading for the sector of aviation. This sounds like a solid idea; there has already been a lot of research around personal carbon trading and the main takeaway point are that:

1 - "personal carbon trading would be [...] - redistributing money from the rich to the poor - as the rich use more energy than the poor, and so would need to buy allowances from them. This is in contrast to a direct carbon tax, under which all lower income people are worse off, prior to revenue redistribution."

2 - A full implementation in all areas of commerce would be a challenge, as most of it would need to be digitalized and standardized.

A partial implementation only in the aviation sector would be a great pilot projects to see how it would change consumer behavior and at the same time allow for broader implementation in other areas.

Forum Team | 28/05/2021

Dear Brigitte,

Thank you very much for sharing your idea. It is very interesting to read.

Do you have any specific ideas of how a European Citizen Initiative could look like that addresses this issue?

Feel free to elaborate further so that other citizens may join your discussion or even initiative. Don't hesitate to also check out the Connect function of the Forum to meet like-minded citizens.

Another element that could be of help is to check past initiatives dealing with environmental matters. Did you know about the initiative "Ending the aviation fuel tax exemption in Europe"? Of course, their cause is slightly different but it touches upon a similar issue.

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team

Inactive user | 07/06/2021

A class idea!

Inactive user | 20/03/2022

Air travel is one of the most environmentally polluting forms of transport. It has its benefits but (at least within Europe) cheaper, cleaner, more interesting, more social, flexible and engaging forms of transport need to be promoted. Fast, modern electric trains for example, using a unified European rail network. A fast train over medium distances often takes you home (not the airport) faster than a plane.It ought to be cheaper too.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.