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Forum evropske državljanske pobude

Legislation to support tele-work and reduce traffic

Avtor: Inactive user |
Spremenjeno dne: 24/09/2018 |
Število ogledov: 544

Governments should legislate to foster tele-work and make it compulsory for companies at least in a percentage of time per week. This should considerably reduce traffic in the cities and even allow to live far from the cities, revitalising the economy of rural areas.



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Inactive user | 15/11/2018

Agree with this completely.  The technology is there to allow people to work remotely with effectiveness.  The benefits of enabling this in terms of work life balance, reduction of traffic and carbon emissions is potentially huge.  The challenge is cultural in many organisations, but a push from legislation would help to start the change process.

Forum Team | 25/02/2019

Thank you for sharing this idea and raising the issue on our platform.

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Let us draw your attention to the existence of data collected by the EU on teleworking. Please find more information following this link:

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If you have reached the stage to be ready to register an initiative, the Official Register of the European Citizens’ Initiative might be more adapted to your request:

The Forum Moderation Team

Inactive user | 20/03/2022

Menim, da gre bolj za pobude kot za zakonodajo. Dobra zamisel, vendar morajo imeti delodajalci in zaposleni tehtne razloge za njeno sprejetje. Produktivnost, na primer nižji stroški, več osebnega časa itd. Vendar se ideja lahko razširi, njene koristi pa se povečajo. Če lahko zaposleni dela na daljavo, zakaj ne gre za kraj v južni Evropi, kjer so stroški ogrevanja in življenjskih stroškov vsaj del leta nižji od stroškov doma? Preden zavrnete zamisel, preverite, koliko energije porabi za ogrevanje, električno energijo itd. v srednji in severni Evropi. Obstajajo dodatne koristi, kot so boljši občutek evropske pripadnosti, sprememba „osebnega ozračja“, morda manjša potreba po potovanju na počitnice in veliko več.

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