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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Improve on adherency by sending a reminder to the patients

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 04/03/2019 |
Number of views: 412

About 40% of the pills prescribed are not used as they should. (source WHO) With sending a reminder with the use of an app or otherwise the docter or pharmasist stays in close contact with the patient.


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Inactive user | 14/09/2018

Together we can do this! What are your ideas?

Inactive user | 16/11/2020

Adherence is a very complex area. People don't take medications as prescribed for may different reasons. Some have cultural bias toward western medicine, others get side effects and stop, still others don't believe the medicines do anything because they don;t have symptoms as in hypertension. A simple reminder will help a proportion of those patients who forget, but most people say they forgot when they really chose not to take the medicine. There is evidence that if someone is made to understand the nature of their condition and how the drug prescribed works to manage the problem the adherence improves. If the patient is actively involved in their treatment regimen and knows what responsibility they have in managing their own health also helps. I had an idea called Knowledge Clinic, a system of online self-learning for people diagnosed with chronic conditions. But our representative to Horizon 2020 missed the deadline for application on the perfectly matched call for submissions. We lost faith. But I still believe this can have an impact. I have lots of data to support my POV. 

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