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Forum de l’initiative citoyenne européenne

An European Market for Values

Auteur: Inactive user |
Mis à jour le: 08/09/2018 |
Nombre de vues: 747

Our democracies and societies are weakened by the lack of autonomy, as it is very difficult to choose and implement values that are independent from one's social role.
Choosing to endorse some policies, in areas such as migrations and climate change, is often the result of one's economic interests, e.g. of one's work or of the economic specialisation of the area where one given individual lives. However, this makes it more difficult to foster, within and between States of the EU, an authentic spirit of community. Indeed, individuals who believe mostly in what mirrors their specific social role, have no incentive to discuss their values with the rest of society.
A market for moral, organisational and cultural values would offer an economic incentive to choose values that are independent from one's social role and spread them.
In this market, individuals, companies and local communities of EU Member States would have the possibility to exchange some documents, each of which would higlight the benefits of applying a given value, such as environmentalism, solidarity, multiculturalism. The experiences would be certified on the basis of some quantitative indicators defined by national or EU law, e.g. the percentage of investment in renewables and the relative size of protected areas, in the case of environmentalism.
The experiences referred to each value would be priced on the basis of supply and demand, and the price of each document would be proportional to the number of experiences that it contains.
The economic incentive to be a part of this market would be the possibility to resell a given document at a price higher than purchase price. This would be made possible by both autonomy (i.e. the addition of new experiences to the document) and sensitivity to social preferences (i.e. the ability to forecast an increase in the price of those experiences).
For instance, an Italian company or local government would be able to receive from a German counterpart a document highlighting the benefits of several forms of innovation, and might in exchange transfer a document referred to inclusivity towards minorities, or another value.
An European market for values would make of the EU the first attempt to give a formal role to values in our social, economic and political interactions. Capitalism itself would be deeply renewed, and would be open to paradigms different from the ones governing hyper-specialised, value-neutral activities of our world. Last but not least, national and European authorities, in deciding the quantitative parameters for each value, would reconnect the different sectors of our societies, and foster a spirit of community.
I have described this proposal in my book "Exchanging Autonomy. Inner Motivations As Resources for Tackling the Crises of Our Times" as well as in the following blog of the World Bank Group:


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