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Forum de l’initiative citoyenne européenne

A European Innovation Council to promote and support public procurement of innovation

Auteur: Inactive user |
Mis à jour le: 02/04/2019 |
Nombre de vues: 300

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is a proposal of a council with the mission of supporting the commercialization of technologies in the European Union. From my point of view, this role can be perfect to promote and support public procurement of innovation across the European Union, specially among public administrations with difficulties to manage that kind of procedures.

The EIC can coordinate all European innovation projects including public procurements of innovation. An important aspect is to put together offer and demand of innovative solutions, as well as giving technical advice to public administrations that have difficulties to put in place this kind of projects.

The EIC can also check that intellectual property rights derived from investigations funded by a public administration are shared with other economical agents.


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Forum Team | 03/04/2019

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Let us draw your attention to the already existing Enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot. The Enhanced EIC pilot supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with bright ideas and the ambition to scale up internationally. You can find more information at the following link:

If you have already started to draft an initiative/(running an initiative) and are looking for advice (whether legal advice, or advice on campaigning, fundraising, communicating, or other aspects), check out the SEEK ADVICE section of the Forum in order to receive tailor-made feedback on your proposed initiative (Seek advice).

You might also be interested in the next  webinar on the Forum -  Legal advice when drafting a European citizens’ initiative which will take place next week, Thursday 11th of April at 12.30 CET.  This could be an opportunity for you to get more information on the European Citizens’ Initiative. If you are interested, you can register at the following link:

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