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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

European emergeny energy security and cooperation initiative

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 23/03/2022 |
Number of views: 414

Energy security for the E.U. has never been more important. Reliance on energy from destabilizing and criminally belligerent regimes must stop immediately.

I propose an energy security and cooperation initiative where the strengths of the union are used to bypass this energy dependence.

For a specified amount of time, energy use within the union is reduced to 80% (or incremental) while at the same time, energy supplies from aggressor nations can be reduced to negligible or zero amounts (nordstream1)

At the same time, national energy regulators distribute energy throughout the union in a fair and even manner.

This should be a grassroots development as public support is vital. Sacrifices need to be made and this is understood. These sacrifices are small compared to the suffering endured elsewhere. 

A European citizens initiative could be a vehicle for this change, but I fear it will take too long. We need to act fast.

Even talking about this is a positive thing as it shows that perceived weaknesses are actually resiliance building. But action can happen, therefore depriving warmongering regimes of their funds and undermining their strategy. 

"All it takes for evil to thrive, is for good people to do nothing"

Thank you.


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