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Forum de l’initiative citoyenne européenne

"Brussels DC"

Auteur: Inactive user |
Mis à jour le: 23/05/2018 |
Nombre de vues: 904

Ask to Belgium if it can kindly donate the whole city of Brussels to the Eurpean Union. That means Brussels would not be part of Belgium anymore and the capital of Belgium government should be moved to the remaining Begian territory. The city of Brussels would be a soverain state called European Union and its executive government would be the European Comission. Its president, Jean Claude Junkers if it was today. The goal of this is to take a first step toward a European Federation. "Brussels DC" would be an embryo political infraestructure that working as a full state with a single flag might facilitate the progressive integration of other jurisdictions. Every citizen of a member state would have a double nationality from the member state plus the European Union. The background of doing that is the fact that the today's EU is working the facto as a country given that all EU citizens has currently 100% of the rights as a citizen in the whole EU territory. There is a Judicial and Legislative power well advanced for the EU as well. The only missing feature to make the EU a country is the existence of an Executive soverain power and also the social acceptance of the EU as a country. Therefore the creation of a "Brussel DC" as a full country might promote the two missing features for the EU to make the country of the EUROPEAN PEOPLE.


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Inactive user | 07/10/2020

Inactive user | 07/10/2020

As a native person from Brussels, the EU has always been part of my life and I feel strongly about it, but I also very strongly disagree with what you are suggesting. First of all, a State needs to represent its constituents, not those settled abroad that have no particular tie to it. The power and political imbalance at EU-level is not the same as in Brussels, and I don't see why our Government should be dependent on who people in Slovakia, Germany of Spain vote for. The same goes for nationality: no country grants nationality to people that have no other link with it and I don't understand why it should be different. 

And for the record, Washington D.C. - your model - is not administered by the U.S. Federal Government. We do not need, nor want, to pay the price of others' reluctance to further integrate. 

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