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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Total Income Transparency for all Politicians

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 19/05/2021 |
Number of views: 223

A conflict of interest arises when politicians receive direct donations or funding from companies and wealthy individuals. Their personal financial gain start interfering with the best possible outcome for the citizens they represent.

While the funding does not have to be directly bound to policies or political action, indirectly it can be used for the same purpose.

Recent examples for direct donations include the “mask affair” in Germany in which politicians received hundreds of thousands of euros for giving government contracts to specific companies.

Examples of indirect donations are private gatherings with companies who then donate towards the politician or their campaign.

As elected politicians are representing their country’s citizens and are employed by them, it is crucial that any income that could interfere with their political orientation has to be made transparent and any kind of lobbyism jobs and direct donations banned. Politicians taking important company jobs after their term has to be banned as well, to avoid exploitation of government flaws they have learned about during their term.

While in Greece politicians already have to fully disclose their income, many countries in the EU are still lagging behind, including Germany.

“In Greece, every May MPs like me have to disclose our income and where it comes from, our account balance, stock holdings, real estate, cars, etc.”

Germany is lagging behind due to an improper control mechanism in which one MP (Wolfgang Schäuble) is solely responsible for checking on his colleagues (which he rarely does).

An EU-wide ban and fines on lobbyism jobs, direct donations, while making incomes fully transparent is needed.


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Forum Team | 28/05/2021

Dear Tobias,

Thank you very much for sharing your idea. It is very interesting to read.

Do you have any specific ideas of how a European Citizen Initiative could look like that addresses this issue?

Feel free to elaborate further so that other citizens may join your discussion or even initiative. Don't hesitate to also check out the Connect function of the Forum to meet like-minded citizens. Another element that could be of help is to check past initiatives dealing with constitutional and transparency matters.

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team

Inactive user | 07/06/2021

Das soll was bringen? Man sollte es hinsichtlich der Transparenz nicht übertreiben. Es obliegt jedem Bürger bei einer Wahl, welcher Partei oder Politiker man eine Stimme gibt und wem nicht. Entscheidend ist doch für die Bürger ob eine gute Politik gemacht wird.

Inactive user | 11/06/2021

And for people to decide who to vote for, they should be informed who their politicians work for and get paid by.

If I know that Politician X gets regular donations from Facebook, I can assume that X has an incentive to shape and vote for policies that would favor Facebook.

Of course, I can still vote for X regardless, but now I have a better understanding of the policies X would favor.

Julia Hadjikyriacou | 24/06/2021

The Problem here is financial incentives made to their secret tax haven accounts. Their share portfolios and that of their entire families need to be transparent. In EU Country Cyprus they do a lot of shady things on their wives name.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.