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Forum dell’iniziativa dei cittadini europei

Save Our Cats from Cars (SOCC)

Autore: Inactive user |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/12/2018 |
Numero visualizzazioni: 448

Every year in countries across Europe, hundreds of thousands - and potentially millions - of cats are killed by cars. While some of these cats may sadly be uncared for, many others are family pets who are loved and adored by their owners. The sudden loss of a cat from a road accident can be devastating for the families and especially for single people whose cat is their only companion.

Cats aren't the only victims; dogs and wild animals are also killed by cars. This idea includes all smaller pets and animals that may stray into the path of oncoming vehicles.

This initiative calls for sensors on the front of cars to detect small animals and automatically brake if an animal is detected. New car models are increasingly including front sensors (not only driverless cars). It is now only a matter of ensuring that the range of the sensor is wide enough (or low enough) to detect smaller animals and that the car will brake accordingly.

Further, to increase general awareness, this initiative proposes that street signs with a cat symbol are installed at the approach to towns and villages. Or, in residential areas, the street signs for children at play could be expanded to include a cat symbol.

This initiative is dedicated to Minnie, just 5 years old, killed by a car in a quiet residential street in September 2018.


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