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Promote Renewable Energy for Homes and Small Businesses

Autors: Inactive user |
Atjaunināšanas datums: 29/10/2019 |
Skatījumu skaits: 280

There should be EU wide regulation on using electricity from renewable sources.

Currently in some countries, there is no option to use a combination of own energy source (let’s say solar) and power coming from the grid. What happens is that you have to sell the electricity you produce to the electric company and then they sell it back to you. Companies are of course reluctant to do this, as the cost of green energy is higher than the one from conventional sources and one has to go through bureaucratic hell to achieve this.

Strong lobbies will br against giving people such freedom.

EU policy should force all member states to align their laws and regulations so that people can be free to use renewable energy for their homes and businesses, without any red tape or any other difficulties. E.g. if tomorrow I decide to replace my roof tiles with solar panels - I should be able to do it without the need of any permit, contract or any other form of documentation.


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Inactive user | 19/07/2021

“ES politikai būtu jāliek visām dalībvalstīm saskaņot savus normatīvos aktus, lai iedzīvotāji varētu brīvi izmantot atjaunojamo enerģiju savām mājām un uzņēmumiem bez birokrātijas vai jebkādām citām grūtībām.”


ES piekrītu vispārējai idejai, bet pārformulētu:

“ES politikai būtu jāliek visām dalībvalstīm saskaņot savus normatīvos aktus, lai cilvēki varētu brīvi izmantot atjaunojamo enerģiju savām mājām un uzņēmumiem, ja vien aprīkojums ir sertificēts un drošs.”

Tas veicinātu jaunu uzņēmumu izveidi enerģētikas nozarē.

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