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Forum voor het Europees burgerinitiatief

Onlinecursus „Bespreking van module 2”

Auteur: Forum Team |
Bijgewerkt op: 24/05/2022 |
Aantal keer bekeken: 533

Geachte leden van het forum,

Dit is de discussie over de onlinecursus module 2 over „Tips on Successful Campaigning

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Kiril Bojiloff | 11/09/2022

1. What happens if a voter signs more than once an ECI? This can happen if e.g. she/he forgets what he did months ago. Are then all signatures of this person invalid or at least only one vote is counted?

2.How it is ensured, that person A cannot vote for Person B?

3. It is very difficult to gather 1 mio signatures, so every vote is very precious. And we know that in every ECI more than 5% or even 10% are declared invalid? Why this happens and what an ECI organizer can do in order to reduce the number of invalid signatures?

team van het EBI-forum | 26/09/2022

Dear Mr. Bojiloff, 

Thank you for submitting your question! ECI experts, Elisa Lironi and Daniela Vancic, will answer your questions at the webinar on Wednesday, 19 October. You will also have the opportunity to ask any follow-up questions that you may have. 

Kind regards, 

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team 

Disclaimer: De op het EBI-forum geventileerde meningen geven uitsluitend het standpunt van de auteurs weer en mogen beslist niet worden beschouwd als het standpunt van de Europese Commissie of van de Europese Unie.