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Forum dell’iniziativa dei cittadini europei

No more anonymous accounts on social media

Autore: Inactive user |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/11/2018 |
Numero visualizzazioni: 720

Our social lives are now lived on internet so we need to be responsible for what we post online. Every public institutions should have internet pages were anonymous comments can be posted but they will be responsible if repost without verifying.


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Inactive user | 20/12/2020

Individuals must have the right to their personal anonymity, especially from large data-farming & tracking companies, but also from trolls and any other individuals or organisations they choose. It goes way beyond being simply "responsible". You could post a responsible opinion that your employer (or a client, or your mother, etc.) takes issue with. It should ALways be the individual's choice to withhold their identity, on ANY social network or public forum (including here).

Clausola di esclusione della responsabilità: Le opinioni espresse nell'ambito del forum ICE rispecchiano esclusivamente il punto di vista dei loro autori e non possono in alcun modo essere interpretate come una posizione della Commissione europea o dell'Unione europea.