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Fórum evropské občanské iniciativy

New infographic online: Data & Figures

Autor /Autorka: Forum Team |
Datum aktualizace: 02/07/2021 |
Počet zobrazení: 207


Have you seen that during the session "ECI: the geography of success" (re-watch it here) of the ECI Day 2021, a new infographic was launched? It deals with the distribution of the European Citizens' Initiative involvement throughout Europe. You can find it here.

It contains interesting data about the initiative. For example, where signatures come from, what origin organisers have and what age group is mainly launching initiatives.

We're curious to hear what you think about it!

What is most outstanding to you? What do you think could make ECI activism be spread more equally throughout the EU?

Your European Citizens' Initiative Forum Team



ECI-Forum Infographic.pdf
(2.96 MB - PDF)

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