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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Higher education: creation of new school model

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 22/08/2018 |
Number of views: 591

I'll present a reformed School, becouse i think it's costly and unproducent for students. My progect it's a scientific-musical school, and a classic-musical school. Will be a scientific and musical guidance in the first model; humanistic matters and humanistic orientation of music (music histoty, theory and instrument). In these school is debatable the study of more or less hours of music to benefit scientific, musical or humanistic program. I think these school compensates loss of hours, and unites a musical program in students' curriculum


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Inactive user | 22/08/2018

Hi, it's Cecile here from the Forum Management team

Many thanks for proposing this idea for discussion. Other issues related to education, which have been submitted by other citizens, can be found in the ‘Topics’ section.

Inactive user | 07/10/2020

Hi, there's an  other way to propose this iniziative?

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