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Forum dell’iniziativa dei cittadini europei

The gender pay gap is too large.Communities should make a policy on this.

Autore: Inactive user |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/03/2019 |
Numero visualizzazioni: 334

Men make about 18% more money then woman on the same job.


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Inactive user | 01/05/2021

If I'm right in "Gender pay gap in EU countries based on SES (2014)" it is pointed out a "gross" gender gap of 14% that can be reduced to 9,4% (unexplained gap). Even that gender gap DOESN'T address differences in salary for the same job as the authors said that:

"It is important to note that the adjusted gap (in order words, the 9,4% gap) must not be equated with discrimination, as it incorporates unmeasured wage-relevant gender differences like e.g. actual work experience, job preferences or bargaining skills. On the other hand, what is statistically ‘explained’ is not necessarily free from discrimination. Genders might face unequal access to wage-attractive jobs (e.g. leading positions, full-time jobs). Therefore, both the explained and the unexplained part of the gap and their respective origins have to be analyzed with caution."

In other words, we don't have an exact measurement of pure salary discrimination (same job with different salary) but we do know that the gender salary gap for the same job is below 14% and probably also 9,4%.

I'm not saying that gender salary gap doesn't exist, only that I think you statement about its magnitude is not true. According to available data, gender salary gap is following a positive trend of reduction over the last decades (

Recent studies show that having children has an important impact on gender salary gap because mothers take additional work at home after having them (Kleven, H., Landais, C., & Søgaard, J. E. (2018). Children and gender inequality: Evidence from Denmark (No. w24219). National Bureau of Economic Research). In this sense we can demand family-friendly public policies, but in the end it is also a cultural issue that we have to face as citizens in our homes and working places. We can not totally depend on politicians neither the goverment. True changes happend in society and need some time.

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