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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

EU SIGN DAY - Invite to join

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 15/04/2021 |
Number of views: 778

I would like to invite you to this presentation we will hold on the 15th of April (but if you read the text you will see you can join...any time!) 

Let’s make 9th MAY Europe Day EU SIGN DAY (and still organise your own events for Europe Day and for the start of the Conference on the Future of Europe)

Join the kick-off meeting where EU SIGN DAY will be presented on the 15th of April 2021 at 6 PM CET to learn how you can

Online: Zoom

Languages: Direct interpretation will be provided in Italian and English (you will see the “translation” icon on Zoom if you have downloaded the most recent version)

This year you as a person, and organisations, association, networks you belong to can do something special to celebrate Europe Day: you can support the 14 citizens committees currently engaged in one of the biggest challenge and opportunity available for European Citizens: the European Citizens Initiative, the only institutional participatory democracy instrument available for citizens to raise their voice with the EU institutions and actually oblige them to act on specific matters.


EU SIGN DAY will be a self-organised initiative climaxing on the 9th of May 2021 that aims to inform as many European Citizens as possible about their right to shape the future of Europe with one (or more signatures) on the European Citizens Initiative.


On the 15th of April from 6 PM CET till 7.15 PM CET, the promoters of this initiative will present it to everyone interested in actively promoting European democracy in the framework of the activities already organised for the celebrations of Europe Day.



 Why European Citizens Initiatives are a powerful instrument for the (Conference on) the Future of Europe

 Why the European Public Sphere needs more awareness on the European Citizens’ Initiatives

 EU SIGN DAY presentation

 How organisations, networks and individuals  can support EU SIGN DAY


Virginia Fiume, coordinator of EUMANS and, Marco Cappato, promoter of, Helwig Fenner, Unconditional Basic Income European Citizens Initiative, Tony Venables - Voters Without Borders, Ella Jakubowska - Reclaim your Face, Andreea Belu - Reclaim your Face, Clara Cavalcanti - Stop Finning, Omri Preiss - Alliance for Europe, Roger Casale - Europe Future Fringe / New Europeans, Jenny Paul -  Head of Europe Direct Munich, Alvaro Oleart - postdoctoral researcher at Maastricht University - Studio Europa Maastricht, and a member of the Jean Monnet network OpenEUDebate, Gregory Engels - Freedom to Share.



The meeting will be open to the  public and will be recorded - Zoom Info:

For info: Virginia Fiume - - +32493158956



European Citizens Initiatives

(that you can already sign and share)


- Unconditional Basic Income

- Voters Without Borders

- Save Bees and Farmers

- Stop Finning

- Reclaim Your Face

- Freedom to Share

On the official website of EU SIGN DAY you will find ALL the ongoing European Citizens Initiatives, that you can already review here 



Citizens Take Over Europe coalition

The ECI Campaign

Alliance for Europe

Democracy International

Europe Future Fringe



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Forum Team | 06/05/2021


Thank you very much for sharing this idea. The initiative for a "EU Sign Day" sounds like a great initiative.

The information provided on your website is very useful, indeed:

Besides, based on your 15 April meeting, do you have any results or updates for the ECI Community?

Thank you very much!

The ECI Forum Team

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.