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Forum voor het Europees burgerinitiatief

Environmental security

Auteur: Inactive user |
Bijgewerkt op: 04/03/2019 |
Aantal keer bekeken: 389

I think the EU should have an organism/a team who should focus on the elaboration of laws for environmental security at EU level and also checking what is wrong in each country and seriously sanction those who do big abuses. I consider it would be great if the sanctions are applied from EU level because in my country there are too many corrupt figures in key positions and that's why things have taken a wrong direction. The team can focus on illegal deforestation and the dangers of having too many trees cut (not only landslides but also how fauna and the entire planet can get affected within the phenomenon of climate change; reforestation is badly needed), on polluted area due to incompetent administration of noxious substances in exploitations like mining, how to handle the pollution of the seas (from lost nuclear submarines, from noxious substances that are illegally spilled etc) and also from possible nuclear disasters as many countries in EU-even mine, use nuclear power. A huge problem is also the plastic, glass and aluminium waste that people leave on beaches, in the sea, in the mountains and therefore the environmental security team should work hand in hand with another team which should encourage civilized recycling at EU level. If a country doesn't have the means to recycle many materials, the materials should be gathered anyway and transported in another country where they can get recycled. I have here as example Japan where almost everything is recycled and the youngsters are encouraged to gather everything and not foolishly throw all in nature! Since in many countries there is a noxious octopus at great level, citizens cannot fight alone and a committee/team of a more powerful impact and with authority of control and severe punishment enforcement should function. This I would say-would be crucial if people still want to stay alive on this planet! We should all CARE what happens with the nature which feeds and shelters us....until a certain point...which -if things go on like nowadays-will get closer and closer!



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Forum Team | 26/02/2019

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