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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Deposit money on all products in the EU

Author: Inactive user |
Updated on: 04/03/2019 |
Number of views: 587

Hello all,

I would like to start an initiative to get a Europe wide scheme for deposits on all consumer products (except for what degrades fast, like food). Eventually you could just put your garbage bag without bio-degradable items for sale. A new sorting industry can emerge.

How to proceed from here?


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Inactive user | 04/08/2019

You buy a product from a supermarket and there is 10 or 25 eurocent deposit included in the price. When you return the packaging you get it back. The same for durable products, a knife, a pair of scissors, anything. If it has a bar code, it should have a deposit. For those product it might be required to also keep a receipt, but those are details for later.

I started a petition in the Netherlands and today it passed the 600 signatures mark. Sign it here

Inactive user | 29/06/2020

Could you give an example of what you mean exactly?

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