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Foro de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea

CO2 label on packaging

Autor: Inactive user |
Actualizada el: 14/05/2019 |
Número de visitas: 420

producers should be forced to put the quantity of CO2 they release during the production of their products on the packaging of that product like they put the quantity of calories on it

Voorstel CO2.docx

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Inactive user | 03/10/2021

Sounds like an interesting idea. That could be a small step towards a system in which total CO_2 impact per citizen is somehow quantified. That is, not only for choosing low CO_2 products but also for choosing public transport over cars, etc. Then citizens could be rewarded, e.g. by paying fewer taxes, for minimizing CO_2 production.

Inactive user | 25/10/2021

I believe it is a great idea to start changing mentality and culture regarding CO2 footprint. I would like to participate to this disucssions, do you have some doc in English?

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