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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Webinar 'Discovering the European Citizens' Initiative', 2022


Start date: 03 May 2022
End date: 03 May 2022
Current status: Closed
Updated on: 05 May 2022
Discovering the European Citizens' Initiative


Silvia Kersemakers, ECI team leader Secretariat-General, European Commission 

Marina Konstantinidi, representative of 'Return the Plastics' Initiative

Michele Gianella, Italian National Coordinator of 'Start Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) throughout the EU' Initiative

Elsa Kraemer, substitute representative of 'European ECOScore' Initiative

Olga Kikou, substitute representative of 'End the Cage Age' Initiative

Elisa Lironi, Programme Director for European Democracy, European Citizen Action Service 

Language: English 


If you missed the webinar, check the video recording (available in English).


Webinar Agenda 

1. Welcome and Short Quiz 

2. Presentation by Silvia Kersemakers, Discover the ECI - Why does the ECI matter? Facts, figures and more 

3. Q&A with ECI Organisers - why choose an ECI? 

a. Presentation by Marina Konstantinidi, representative of 'Return the Plastics'

b. Presentation by Michele Gianella, Italian National Coordinator of 'Start Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) throughout the EU' 

c. Presentation by Elsa Kraemer, substitute respresentative of 'European ECOScore' 

d. Presentation by Olga Kikou, substitute representative of 'End the Cage Age' 

4. Presentation by Elisa Lironi, Diving Deeper with the ECI Forum - Tips and Tricks to make the most of your ECI experience 

5. Q&A with audience  

Presentation slides

Discovering the European Citizens' Initiative

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